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Here's the Scoop: Dan Tintner

Updated: Nov 17, 2022

Dan is a Partner at Deloitte Digital Australia

1. Why did you choose advertising/marketing as a career path?

I fell into it, I was a techie/nerd as a kid, breaking computers and video game consoles wide open. Started my first business at 17 hooking up the elderly to the internet and teaching them how to use computers. Then decided i wanted to build websites and the rest was history so to speak.

2. What's the best advice you'd give to your younger self who's just started their career?

Network, maintain relationships, keep studying, reading and learning. Make sure you have hobbies... oh and don't sell your Michael Jordan rookie card for a Mars bar and a meat pie in the high school playground...

3. What do you look for when hiring young people?

Sure I look for a degree or tertiary qualification, for me its not what the subject matter is more of the application of resilience, focus and getting an outcome. Its the application of the knowledge to get the degree more than the subject matter as a starting point. Then i look for tenacity, willing to do things others wont. Some of the best team members i have hired have worked in pubs or back of house at venues just through conversation. People willing to do a job for a wage and clean up after other people is a unique trait.

4. How do I make my resume stand out?

A little humour, take yourself seriously but also be human. Show your passion, your hobbies and what makes you tick

5. What skills have been most beneficial for you?

Music and pushing my creative limits.

6. Do you need a degree?


7. What was a key lesson you learnt in your career to date?

You will never stop learning, connect with the next generation as they drive the future.

8. Have your reasons for joining the industry changed over time?

Not really, I love the impact we can make on society and business as a holistic starting point. Also realising that we don't save whales and not to take ourselves too seriously.

9. Have you ever failed? How did you react?

I fail a lot, its about having a go, picking yourself up and going again. I reacted with the norms, anger, frustration, confusion. I guess my imposter syndrome is with me always.

10. If you had the chance to re-do your career knowing what you know now, what would you do differently?

Taken more chances for senior roles at a younger age when i thought i could do it but felt i was too young for consideration. Put your hat in the ring, if you get a no, get the feedback and try again.

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